No More Wondering
Listen, my friend…
The idea that has been on your heart for a while is part of your purpose.
You have been given unique gifts, no matter how many others seem to be doing something similar.
Your ideal audience is out there waiting for you and needs your help.
Help that only you can give them.
It’s time to step into your truth and show up for what you were meant to do.
In September, Series 2 of the Inner Circle: It’s Time To Make It Happen will help you turn your desires into reality.
It’s time for you to make the difference in the world that you are here to make
Sign up, and let’s go!!

Group Coaching
Course Enrollment Remains Open Throughout Each Series
(Payment Plans Are Available during CheckOut)
Someday Starts Today!
Live Zoom Sessions Begin
September 10 at 7:00 pm EST
We will meet twice a month for 3 months for each series.
Group calls will be recorded if you cannot attend live.
Schedule Topics
September 10: Getting clear on what you want to offer
September 24: Changing the way you see your work
October 8: Branding and messaging based on your truth
October 22: How to get visible
November 5: How to get paid
November 19: Dropping the fear and keeping it going
The Inner Circle is a safe, supportive, and respectful space.
Group coaching is centered around a specific topic for each session. Dr. Tanner is leading the discussion, and participants can comment and ask questions through the chat function (anonymously) during the call.
Yes! Each session is live on the specified date and will be recorded. Once you join, the recorded session will be available on a learning management platform, giving you lifetime access to the resources. Jump in anytime!
Yes! When you go to check out, you will see that in the methods of payment, there is an option to split the payment into 4 payments.
During live sessions, the camera and microphone functions are disabled. Communication during the session is through the chat function. If participants desire to remain anonymous, they can change their name to a fictitious name or “anonymous” to protect their privacy.
After you join the series, you will be given access to a learning platform that contains past recordings and resources for the session.
“There is no limit to what you can have, and no reason to expect anything less.”
— Dr. Kelly Tanner