From Dentistry to Quantum Coaching: Trusting the Process

From the outside, you seem to have it all together. Inside, you know there is more.

What could you not be seeing that is right in front of you?

I've asked myself this question many times throughout my life, and the answer has led me on a transformative journey of self-discovery and purpose. As a dental hygienist turned quantum coach, I've learned that our lives are full of pivotal moments and realignments that guide us toward our true calling - if only we dare to trust the process.

In this article, I'll share my story of embracing my gifts, navigating life's lessons, and learning to have it all. Join me as we explore the multidimensional nature of our lives and the power of giving yourself permission to pursue your heart's desires.

Within the last six months, I decided to come out of the closet and rebrand to include one of the essential aspects of who I am at my core: a person who helps others get whatever they desire in their lives. I know this could sound woo-woo, but for the last 27 years, I have been assisting people in doing just that. And it just so happens that I love dentistry, too.

Looking back at my life, I originally wanted to study psychology to understand better and help people. Then I found dental hygiene, and through this path, I realized, like many dental professionals, that we get to understand people and help them get what they want through dentistry and healthier living. As a hygienist, I can pick up on conditions in the mouth that are a gateway to the rest of the body. I can coach patients toward permanent change by helping them change their mindset and helping them understand what will motivate them. I was already proving to myself in multiple ways that I was an expert in helping people get what they wanted.

Why did this take me so long to do if I knew I had repeatedly proven that I helped people in this way?

At the time, it didn’t seem like a straightforward answer. But looking back now, like many of my clients, the story unfolded how it did because of healing, having confidence in my gifts, and trusting the process. Changes in our lives, including closing doors or missed opportunities, will not derail our fulfilment. Realignments are happening based on divine wisdom and timing. In the process, you are being diverted from unnecessary obstacles and suffering.

Trust how your life path unfolds.

You are meant to live a life that fulfils your soul’s purpose. So, in the process, we learn uncomfortable things about ourselves, prove them to ourselves, and learn how to navigate through them. Many would say the teacher appears when the student is ready to learn. These lessons will keep happening for you in a loop until you learn the lesson. In another blog, we will discuss whether you subconsciously attract those lessons to help you learn what you need to break through (grin).

Here are things I have learned:

  • Move through and trust in your heart, and have patience and willingness to keep faith.

  • Stay true to your healing journey because it is working, whether you realize it or not.

  •  If you are feeling conflicted or disoriented about a choice---this is realignment with your life path.

  • Adjustments taking place within you affect your outer world and attract what is meant for you to you.

In my journey, I learned that I get to have anything I want in life: I can be both the Quantum Coach, helping people make rapid progress in their lives, and the Goddess of Gums, assisting dental professionals to be the best they can be.

I can make as much money as I want, have the life I want, and attract the people I want in my life.

I teach people how to do that, and I have for 27 years.

We are multidimensional humans. Give yourself permission to explore what your heart wants. I would love to be a part of your journey.

With love and truth,

Dr. T

PS. This Summer, 2024, my new book, Truth & Dare, will be born. Truth & Dare is a book for every person who has wanted more from their life. Those in limbo on their path need clarity on the next steps. They are those who have felt they were not good enough and have swallowed their pride to live according to someone else’s expectations. I want to help you make your quantum leap into the life that is your truth. The life you were meant to live. Your divine purpose. 

Lived advice. Action. Revelation.

Join the waitlist to be notified of the book pre-sale released in Summer 2024.


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